Monday, April 18, 2011

Blog Tour: Alex Sanchez on "When I'm Not Writing"!

Alex Sanchez, "When I'm Not Writing"

When not writing, I spend a lot of time worrying about what I should be writing, and where is the money going to come from if I don’t write it? But I also try to reassure myself that writing involves a lot of time thinking, planning, and contemplating whatever I’m in the process of writing. So, for example, when I go swimming every day, I spend time thinking about the story I’m writing. To interrupt my writing, I eat a lot of little meals during the course of the day. At the end of my writing day, I take a nap. Sometimes I do yoga. And in the evening I hang out with friends, eat at restaurants, go to movies… My writer’s life is actually about as mundane as most people’s lives—most of the drama occurs inside my head.

Thanks so much for stopping by, Alex! I have yet to read any of his books, but I have Boyfriends with Girlfriends in my TBR and am looking forward to getting started on it! Be sure to check out Alex's website for more info on him and his books!

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